Rasmar Industries
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About Our Products

We recommend that all potential customers read the information below prior to purchase.  There are a number of product features and specifications that should be considered when selecting the product which is most suitable for the customer application.

Shelter shape / style:     The shape can be found in the SPECIFICATIONS section of the product page.   As a general guideline, round or arch shape structures perform better in harsh weather environments with heavy snowfall and high winds when compared to the vertical sidewall structures.   This is due to the round shape providing better "wind deflection" and does not allow snow and moisture to gather on the top of the structure as easily.   The vertical sidewall structures, however, do provide for better storage capability along the side of the structure.

Material (cover) weight & thickness:     The material weight and thickness can be found in the SPECIFICATIONS section of the product page.   We feature (3) different types of material for our structures which are noted below:

        12.5 oz/yd2 (24 mil thickness) woven coated polyethylene -->  This is the heaviest and longest lasting material we offer for our structures and is the recommended material for harsh weather environments.   It features UV protection which is manufactured into the material and offers (4) color options of white, green, gray, and tan.  THIS MATERIAL IS MADE IN THE USA and features a 15 - 20 year life expectancy with the proper structure assembly, anchoring, and care.

        10 oz/yd2 (22 mil thickness) woven coated polyethylene -->  This is a medium duty material we offer for our structures and is recommended for moderately harsh weather environments.   It features UV protection which is manufactured into the material and offers (2) color options of white and green. Select versions of our 20', 26', and 30' wide structures offer this material.  THIS MATERIAL IS MADE IN THE USA and features a 7 - 10 year life expectancy with the proper structure assembly, anchoring, and care.

         7.5 oz/yd2 - 9 oz/m2 (16 mil thickness) woven coated polyethylene -->  This is a lighter duty material we offer on certain structures and is not recommended as a long term solution in harsh weather conditions.   It features UV protection which is manufactured into the material and offers (2) color options of green and gray.  This material features a 3 - 5 year life expectancy with the proper structure assembly, anchoring, and care.

Material color:   The available cover / material colors for each product can be found in the SPECIFICATIONS section of the product description page.   Material color should be considered based upon the building application.   White material allows more natural lighting than other colors.   Green, tan, and gray colors for the 12.5 oz/yd2 (24 mil) material are "blockout".   The interior of all materials are white with the exterior color being the only unique feature.   None of the materials are transparent.

Steel diameter and thickness of the frame:   The steel specifications can be found in the SPECIFICATIONS section of the product description page.   As a general guideline, larger diameter steel tubing provides better stability and support.   In addition, steel tubing thickness (referred to as gauge) is also a significant factor.  The lesser the gauge value, the THICKER the steel.  Example:   14 gauge steel is thicker than 17 gauge steel.

Rafter / leg spacing:    The rafter / leg spacing details for each product can be found in the SPECIFICATIONS section of the product description page.  As a general guideline, narrower (closer) leg spacing provides for more stability and support than wider leg spacing.  Adjustable rafter spacing is not offered on all products as noted in the product SPECIFICATIONS section.

Mounting surface:   The mounting surface details for each products can be found under the APPLICATIONS section of the product description page.   Most structures can be mounted on a variety of surfaces including:  gravel, dirt, asphalt, concrete pads, poured concrete walls, shipping containers (connex boxes), wood rails, wood header walls, wood posts, and precast concrete blocks.   Certain products can ONLY BE MOUNTED ON WALLS as noted in the APPLICATIONS section.   Wall mount buildings must have wall dimensions as noted on the product description page. WALL MOUNT buildings cannot be mounted at grade (ground) level.

Truss / rafter type:   The truss type details for each product can be found in the SPECIFICATIONS section of the product description page.   There are (2) truss types:  single chord and double chord.   Single chord structures feature a single steel tube as the rafter or truss.   Double chord structures have many components which provide the support for the frame.  Double chord trusses are standard on 45' wide and greater structures and select products of 26' wide structures.

Other notable items:  Although our structures perform well in harsh weather conditions, none of the products on the website have snow or wind load ratings due to the "temporary nature" of these structures. Buildings with a12.5 oz/yd2 (24 mil) heavy duty cover with 3' leg spacing are recommended for harsh weather environments.